

Francisco Mata Rosas

Cuban Childs

At the moment work a photographic project on the children in Cuba, mainly interests in east individual sector to me of the society due to its present situation and to the perspective that they have. Independently of the political, social and economic conditions, its culture stays lives, its effective traditions and mainly their expressions in the sport, music and the art are expressed generously. But the blockade economic imposed by the United States, the wearing down of their political system, the special period in which they have been living for but on ten years and the presence of the tourists in individual in search of sex, determines a context in which are growing and being educated these children; deficiencies, desencanto, tradition, hopes, distortion of the concept of the work due to the easy money that it represents the tourism, informative confusion, music, baseball, the Sea like unsalvable border, sex like future, social and familiar decomposition, are part of that gigantic universe in which they grow, i look for to understand this context and to photograph them in its daily life.